root at storage2:~# gluster peer status Number of Peers: 2 Hostname: Uuid: bf320f69-2713-4b57-9003-a721a8101bc6 State: Peer in Cluster (Connected) Hostname: storage3 Uuid: 1b058f9f-c116-496f-8b50-fb581f9625f0 State: Peer Rejected (Connected) root at storage2:~# gluster peer detach One of the peers is probably down. Check with 'peer status'. root at storage2:~# gluster peer detach storage1 One of the peers is probably down. Check with 'peer status'. So this all looks broken, and as I can't find any gluster documentation saying what these various states mean, I'm not sure how to proceed. Any suggestions? Note: I have no replicated volumes, only distributed ones. Thanks, Brian.