Hi Eco, thanks for your help. If I run on brick 1: mount -t glusterfs gluster-data:/gdata /gdata it mounts but appears as a 18 GB partition with nothing in it. I can mount it from the client, but again, there is nothing in it. Before upgrade this was a 50 TB gluster volume. Was that volume information lost with upgrade? The file structure appears intact on each brick. Steve ________________________________ From: gluster-users-bounces at gluster.org [gluster-users-bounces at gluster.org] on behalf of Eco Willson [ewillson at redhat.com] Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2012 1:29 PM To: gluster-users at gluster.org Subject: Re: FW: cant mount gluster volume Steve, The volume is a pure distribute: > Type: Distribute In order to have files replicate, you need 1) to have a number of bricks that is a multiple of the replica count, e.g., for your three node configuration, you would need two bricks per node to set up replica two. You could set up replica 3, but you will take a performance hit in doing so. 2) to add a replica count during the volume creation, e.g. `gluster volume create <vol name> replica 2 server1:/export server2:/export