On 06/11/2012 05:52 PM, Fernando Frediani (Qube) wrote: > Was doing some read on RedHat website and found this URL which I wonder if the problem would have anything to do with this: > http://docs.redhat.com/docs/en-US/Red_Hat_Storage_Software_Appliance/3.2/html/User_Guide/ch14s04s08.html > > Although both servers and client are 64 I wonder if somehow this could be related as it seems the closest thing I could think of. > > The error I get when trying to power up a VM is: > > An unexpected error was received from the ESX host while powering on VM vm-21112. > Failed to power on VM. > Unable to retrieve the current working directory: 0 (No such file or directory). Check if the directory has been deleted or unmounted. > Unable to retrieve the current working directory: 0 (No such file or directory). Check if the directory has been deleted or unmounted. > Unable to retrieve the current working directory: 0 (No such file or directory). Check if the directory has been deleted or unmounted. > > Can you please post nfs log file from the Gluster server that you are trying to mount from? Thanks, Vijay