Hi, I have a replica 2 setup that I use via Gluster NFS (3.3). Both bricks show all files in sync (gluster volume heal <VOLNAME> info). I forced a sync the new way (gluster volume heal <VOLNAME> all) and the old way (find /root/tmp/ -noleaf -print0 | xargs --null stat >/dev/null [gluster volume mounted at /root/tmp]). Both volumes show a different disk used value. Both are similar sized disks, with XFS under Ubuntu 12.04. /dev/md0 5858437120 995558664 4862878456 17% /export/gluster/RAID-6 (NFS mount point) /dev/md0 5858437120 907253448 4951183672 16% /export/gluster/RAID-6 (replica) Yet, when I look at the gluster mounts, the disk usage is the same: 5858437120 995558784 4862878336 17% /root/tmp (NFS mount point) 5858437120 995558784 4862878336 17% /root/tmp1 (replica) Can someone explain the reason for the inconsistency to me? Thanks, Gerald