I'm not sure of the right place to report these problems, so I'll post them here for now. Please let me know if there's a more appropriate way. (1) At http://www.gluster.org/community/documentation/index.php/3.3beta there is a drop-down link Interact > Send Feedback This takes you to http://www.gluster.org/interact/feedback/ but all I see (in Google Chrome) is: Send Feedback [si-contact-form form='1'] with nowhere to type in any feedback. (2) Also at http://www.gluster.org/community/documentation/index.php/3.3beta, there is a broken link labelled "Interactive site for GlusterFS 3.3 Beta users - Gluster Community Page for 3.3 Beta" This links to http://community.gluster.org/t/3-3-beta/posts/ but that gives a 404 not found error (with Yoda) I think maybe it should link to http://community.gluster.org/t/glusterfs-3-3-beta/ (3) At http://www.gluster.org/community/documentation/index.php/OSConnect there is a link labelled [Gluster + OpenStack VM Storage] which links to http://www.gluster.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Gluster-Openstack-VM-storage-v1-shehjar.pdf However that document appears to have vanished; the link silently redirects you to http://www.redhat.com/storage/ Regards, Brian Candler.