Hi, We have recently upgraded our gluster to 3.2.5 and have encountered the following error. Gluster seems somehow confused about one of the files it should be serving up, specifically /projects/philex/PE/2010/Oct18/arch07/BalbacFull_250_200_03Mar_3.png If I go to that directory and simply do an ls *.png I get ls: BalbacFull_250_200_03Mar_3.png: Structure needs cleaning (along with a listing of the remaining *.png files) I know which brick that file resides and if I go to that brick and look at that file via the underlying nfs, it is fine. I had thought this might be a case of bad meta-pointers, but there are no such pointers on the other bricks. In our gluster log file I see the following error repeated [2012-02-24 13:58:15.507390] E [client3_1-fops.c:2228:client3_1_lookup_cbk] 0-gdata-client-2: remote operation failed: Structure needs cleaning [2012-02-24 13:58:15.507501] W [fuse-bridge.c:184:fuse_entry_cbk] 0-glusterfs-fuse: 176567027: LOOKUP() /projects/philex/PE/2010/Oct18/arch07/BalbacFull_250_200_03Mar_3.png => -1 (Structure needs cleaning) How do we fix this? Especially in general, since I don't know if there are other files in with this error, this is just the only one we have found so far. Currently this error is causing our back-up to fail. Thanks. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Pat Haley Email: phaley at mit.edu Center for Ocean Engineering Phone: (617) 253-6824 Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Fax: (617) 253-8125 MIT, Room 5-222B http://web.mit.edu/phaley/www/ 77 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02139-4301