On Wed, Aug 15, 2012 at 01:37:32AM -0700, Joe Julian wrote: > Do you have a link to any info on that issue? > > Does it only affect RedHat, or does it also affect distros running new > kernels? > > I am using ext4 rather than xfs because I was reliably able to make machines > running xfs lock up (these are Ubuntu not RedHat BTW) just by throwing > bonnie++ load at them, but not when running the same test on ext4. > > I have written up an article at > [1]http://joejulian.name/blog/glusterfs-bit-by-ext4-structure-change/ Many thanks. I'm on Ubuntu 12.04 with a 3.2.0 kernel - so this shouldn't affect me, as long as the Ubuntu people don't backport this patch as well :-) Cheers, Brian.