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# gluster volume info
No volumes present

# gluster peer status
Number of Peers: 1

Uuid: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
State: Connected to Peer (Connected)

Forward and Reverse DNS lookups between all 3 servers work fine.  Ping work=
s fine.  IB connectivity works fine (using tcp,rdma transport type).

/var/log/glusterfs/etc-glusterfs-glusterd.vol.log on vothgluster3
[2012-09-14 15:16:27.528532] I [glusterfsd.c:1666:main] 0-/usr/sbin/gluster=
d: Started running /usr/sbin/glusterd version 3.3.0
[2012-09-14 15:16:27.530778] I [glusterd.c:807:init] 0-management: Using /v=
ar/lib/glusterd as working directory
[2012-09-14 15:16:28.088422] I [glusterd.c:95:glusterd_uuid_init] 0-gluster=
d: retrieved UUID: 924322ef-5e55-427b-a393-90903ccb7d16
[2012-09-14 15:16:28.097455] I [glusterd.c:265:glusterd_check_gsync_present=
] 0-glusterd: geo-replication module not installed in the system
Given volfile:
  1: volume management
  2:     type mgmt/glusterd
  3:     option working-directory /var/lib/glusterd
  4:     option transport-type socket,rdma
  5:     option transport.socket.keepalive-time 10
  6:     option transport.socket.keepalive-interval 2
  7:     option off
  8: end-volume

[2012-09-14 15:16:32.760625] I [glusterd-handler.c:1753:glusterd_handle_pro=
be_query] 0-glusterd: Received probe from uuid: 70ee8eed-224e-4031-8cfe-520=
[2012-09-14 15:16:32.760707] I [glusterd-handler.c:411:glusterd_friend_find=
] 0-glusterd: Unable to find peer by uuid
[2012-09-14 15:16:32.760929] I [glusterd-handler.c:423:glusterd_friend_find=
] 0-glusterd: Unable to find hostname:
[2012-09-14 15:16:32.760950] I [glusterd-handler.c:1767:glusterd_handle_pro=
be_query] 0-glusterd: Unable to find peerinfo for host: (240=
[2012-09-14 15:16:32.766007] I [glusterd-handler.c:2204:glusterd_friend_add=
] 0-management: connect returned 0
[2012-09-14 15:16:32.766067] I [glusterd-handler.c:1793:glusterd_handle_pro=
be_query] 0-glusterd: Responded to, op_ret: 0, op_errno: 0, =
ret: 0
[2012-09-14 15:16:32.766572] I [glusterd-handshake.c:397:glusterd_set_clnt_=
mgmt_program] 0-: Using Program glusterd mgmt, Num (1238433), Version (2)
[2012-09-14 15:16:32.766620] I [glusterd-handshake.c:403:glusterd_set_clnt_=
mgmt_program] 0-: Using Program Peer mgmt, Num (1238437), Version (2)
[2012-09-14 15:18:44.916221] I [glusterd-handler.c:813:glusterd_handle_cli_=
list_friends] 0-glusterd: Received cli list req
[2012-09-14 15:19:41.020394] I [glusterd-handler.c:860:glusterd_handle_cli_=
get_volume] 0-glusterd: Received get vol req
[2012-09-14 15:22:40.807457] I [glusterd-handler.c:860:glusterd_handle_cli_=
get_volume] 0-glusterd: Received get vol req
[2012-09-14 15:22:48.655202] I [glusterd-handler.c:813:glusterd_handle_cli_=
list_friends] 0-glusterd: Received cli list req


Please let me know any other information to provide.

Thanks in advance,

Tom Indelli
tindelli at<mailto:tindelli at>
Systems Administrator
Physical Sciences Division
The University of Chicago

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<meta http-equiv=3D"Content-Type" content=3D"text/html; charset=3Dus-ascii"=
<body style=3D"word-wrap: break-word; -webkit-nbsp-mode: space; -webkit-lin=
e-break: after-white-space; ">
<div>I don't have a great deal of experience yet with Gluster, and I'm havi=
ng some tremendous difficulties adding an additional (3rd) server to the po=
ol I have set up. &nbsp;This is running Gluster 3.3.0 on RHEL 6.3, using RP=
<div># rpm -qa | grep gluster</div>
<div>When I first set it up, I was able to add the second server without an=
 issue using
<b>gluster peer probe vothgluster2</b>, however when I do the same here, it=
 just hangs for a couple minutes, then returns to the prompt without succes=
sfully probing the server.</div>
<div>From the first server:</div>
<div># gluster volume info</div>
<div>Volume Name: home</div>
<div>Type: Distribute</div>
<div>Volume ID: a6f62691-a876-431a-a941-d3b76e197eeb</div>
<div>Status: Started</div>
<div>Number of Bricks: 4</div>
<div>Transport-type: tcp,rdma</div>
<div>Brick1: vothgluster1:/export/brick1</div>
<div>Brick2: vothgluster1:/export/brick2</div>
<div>Brick3: vothgluster2:/export/brick1</div>
<div>Brick4: vothgluster2:/export/brick2</div>
<div>Options Reconfigured:</div>
<div>nfs.rpc-auth-allow: 128.135.10.*,205.208.111.*,128.135.233.*,128.135.1=
<div>nfs.disable: on</div>
<div>nfs.register-with-portmap: on</div>
<div> on</div>
<div>nfs.port: 2049</div>
<div>features.quota: off</div>
<div>performance.cache-size: 64MB</div>
<div> off</div>
<div>performance.write-behind-window-size: 1MB</div>
<div>nfs.ports-insecure: on</div>
<div>#&nbsp;gluster peer status</div>
<div>Number of Peers: 2</div>
<div>Hostname: vothgluster2</div>
<div>Uuid: 44033fcb-f6da-4491-b860-d05bb3ce23f7</div>
<div>State: Peer in Cluster (Connected)</div>
<div>Hostname: vothgluster3</div>
<div>Uuid: 924322ef-5e55-427b-a393-90903ccb7d16</div>
<div>State: Establishing Connection (Connected)</div>
<div>From the second server, gluster volume info reports the same.</div>
<div># gluster peer status</div>
<div>Number of Peers: 1</div>
<div>Uuid: 70ee8eed-224e-4031-8cfe-52004c5ccf47</div>
<div>State: Peer in Cluster (Connected)</div>
<div>From the new (problematic) server:</div>
<div># gluster volume info</div>
<div>No volumes present</div>
<div># gluster peer status</div>
<div>Number of Peers: 1</div>
<div>Uuid: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000</div>
<div>State: Connected to Peer (Connected)</div>
<div>Forward and Reverse DNS lookups between all 3 servers work fine. &nbsp=
;Ping works fine. &nbsp;IB connectivity works fine (using tcp,rdma transpor=
t type).</div>
<div>/var/log/glusterfs/etc-glusterfs-glusterd.vol.log on vothgluster3</div=
<div>[2012-09-14 15:16:27.528532] I [glusterfsd.c:1666:main] 0-/usr/sbin/gl=
usterd: Started running /usr/sbin/glusterd version 3.3.0</div>
<div>[2012-09-14 15:16:27.530778] I [glusterd.c:807:init] 0-management: Usi=
ng /var/lib/glusterd as working directory</div>
<div>[2012-09-14 15:16:28.088422] I [glusterd.c:95:glusterd_uuid_init] 0-gl=
usterd: retrieved UUID: 924322ef-5e55-427b-a393-90903ccb7d16</div>
<div>[2012-09-14 15:16:28.097455] I [glusterd.c:265:glusterd_check_gsync_pr=
esent] 0-glusterd: geo-replication module not installed in the system</div>
<div>Given volfile:</div>
<div>&nbsp; 1: volume management</div>
<div>&nbsp; 2: &nbsp; &nbsp; type mgmt/glusterd</div>
<div>&nbsp; 3: &nbsp; &nbsp; option working-directory /var/lib/glusterd</di=
<div>&nbsp; 4: &nbsp; &nbsp; option transport-type socket,rdma</div>
<div>&nbsp; 5: &nbsp; &nbsp; option transport.socket.keepalive-time 10</div=
<div>&nbsp; 6: &nbsp; &nbsp; option transport.socket.keepalive-interval 2</=
<div>&nbsp; 7: &nbsp; &nbsp; option off</div=
<div>&nbsp; 8: end-volume</div>
<div>[2012-09-14 15:16:32.760625] I [glusterd-handler.c:1753:glusterd_handl=
e_probe_query] 0-glusterd: Received probe from uuid: 70ee8eed-224e-4031-8cf=
<div>[2012-09-14 15:16:32.760707] I [glusterd-handler.c:411:glusterd_friend=
_find] 0-glusterd: Unable to find peer by uuid</div>
<div>[2012-09-14 15:16:32.760929] I [glusterd-handler.c:423:glusterd_friend=
_find] 0-glusterd: Unable to find hostname:</div>
<div>[2012-09-14 15:16:32.760950] I [glusterd-handler.c:1767:glusterd_handl=
e_probe_query] 0-glusterd: Unable to find peerinfo for host:
<div>[2012-09-14 15:16:32.766007] I [glusterd-handler.c:2204:glusterd_frien=
d_add] 0-management: connect returned 0</div>
<div>[2012-09-14 15:16:32.766067] I [glusterd-handler.c:1793:glusterd_handl=
e_probe_query] 0-glusterd: Responded to, op_ret: 0, op_errno=
: 0, ret: 0</div>
<div>[2012-09-14 15:16:32.766572] I [glusterd-handshake.c:397:glusterd_set_=
clnt_mgmt_program] 0-: Using Program glusterd mgmt, Num (1238433), Version =
<div>[2012-09-14 15:16:32.766620] I [glusterd-handshake.c:403:glusterd_set_=
clnt_mgmt_program] 0-: Using Program Peer mgmt, Num (1238437), Version (2)<=
<div>[2012-09-14 15:18:44.916221] I [glusterd-handler.c:813:glusterd_handle=
_cli_list_friends] 0-glusterd: Received cli list req</div>
<div>[2012-09-14 15:19:41.020394] I [glusterd-handler.c:860:glusterd_handle=
_cli_get_volume] 0-glusterd: Received get vol req</div>
<div>[2012-09-14 15:22:40.807457] I [glusterd-handler.c:860:glusterd_handle=
_cli_get_volume] 0-glusterd: Received get vol req</div>
<div>[2012-09-14 15:22:48.655202] I [glusterd-handler.c:813:glusterd_handle=
_cli_list_friends] 0-glusterd: Received cli list req</div>
<div>Please let me know any other information to provide.</div>
<div>Thanks in advance,</div>
<div style=3D"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Helvetica; font-size: mediu=
m; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-sp=
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pace: normal; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; border-spacing: 0px; -webkit-te=
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t-stroke-width: 0px; ">
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<div style=3D"font-size: medium; "><span style=3D"font-size: 12px; ">--</sp=
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<span class=3D"Apple-style-span" style=3D"border-collapse: separate; border=
-spacing: 0px; ">
<div>Tom Indelli</div>
<div><a href=3D"mailto:tindelli at">tindelli at</a></di=
<div>Systems Administrator</div>
<div>Physical Sciences Division</div>
<div>The University of Chicago</div>


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