I've used ZFS in lots of different roles and I've found that out of the box ZFS performs decent but to get really great performance out of the (zfs) filesystem you really need to tune it for the application. ZFS has tons and tons of somewhat hidden features (edit /etc/system and reboot type stuff) and if set correctly has outstanding performance. liam On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 10:58 AM, Joe Landman <landman at scalableinformatics.com> wrote: > This said, please understand that there is a (significant) performance cost > to all those nice features in ZFS. ?And there is a reason why its not > generally considered a high performance file system. ?So if you start > building with it, you shouldn't necessarily think that the whole is going to > be faster than the sum of the parts. ?Might be worse. > > This is a caution from someone who has tested/shipped many different file > systems in the past. ?ZFS included, on Solaris and other machines. ?There is > a very significant performance penalty one pays for using some of these > features. ?You have to decide if this penalty is worth it.