Hi, This is an attempt to recreate a small replicated storage that was previously working between these two systems using 3.2.0, which has been removed from the systems (for prudential reasons) and 3.1.3 installed. Everything from 3.2.0 was removed _except_ that the two blocks I'm trying to bind still have their replicated data from 3.2.0. With two hosts, "white" and "black": root at white# gluster peer status Number of Peers: 1 Hostname: black Uuid: 6f7238a2-df00-464e-a296-4bb38ddc8b1c State: Accepted peer request (Connected) root at white# gluster volume create bind replica 2 transport tcp white:/mnt/gluster/bind black:/mnt/gluster/bind Host black not connected Okay, black is "Connected" but "not connected." Let's try from black: root at black# gluster peer status Number of Peers: 1 Hostname: white Uuid: 14f18e95-f56c-4271-8b08-1397216e1714 State: Accepted peer request (Connected) root at black# gluster volume create bind replica 2 transport tcp white:/mnt/gluster/bind black:/mnt/gluster/bind Host white not connected Again, white is "Connected" but "not connected." I'll accept I'm doing something wrong in not starting with empty partitions, just wondering why the error message is nonsensical. Whit BTW, the statement of intent from the project earlier today is heartening.