Hi, I am testing GlusterFS 3.1 on a EC2 environment with 2 servers in a replica mode sudo gluster volume create gluster-volume replica 2 transport tcp ip-10-227-166-178:/export/brick01 ip-10-48-79-22:/export/brick02 I have been connected to the file system using a third client, created a test file which appears in both servers. I reboot my GlusterFS 2nd server and at the same time I change contents of my test file which appears ok in the 1st still running server. When the 2nd server comes live, I run sudo /etc/init.d/glusterd start and remount my drive - brick However the contents of test file in 2nd server are still the old ones before reboot. When I open the test file from the client (which is the correct latest one, BTW) I update the file and save it, both files are again synced. Is this how GlusterFS is working by default ? Is there a way to re-sync files without updating the actual file ? Thanx in advance, Panos Kontopoulos