Hello! On 01.03.11 02:34, Anand Babu Periasamy wrote: > Gluster should work fine on both. Personaly I will go with iSCSI > because it is a commodity. The usual answer: It depends. I prefer FC as the latency is typically less during read access to blocks. Similar the network between the GlusterFS servers and the clients. Less latency means more responsiveness while accessing small portions of data. The difference between TCP over GigE and RDMA over Infiniband is huge. Beat -- \|/ Beat Rubischon <beat at 0x1b.ch> ( 0-0 ) http://www.0x1b.ch/~beat/ oOO--(_)--OOo--------------------------------------------------- Meine Erlebnisse, Gedanken und Traeume: http://www.0x1b.ch/blog/