As so far I have 15 servers feeding data to my four node Gluster-FS (cluster), at this current time all of my scripts are faceted to mount the volume and move data into its directory, only issue I see with this is that half of these clients should not be able to go one level back from its 'home' directory when transfering data - I wanted to see if there was a way to isolate these specified clients to mount the volume to their specified directories without having to cd two directories deep... ex: mount - t glusterfs servnode001.b.c:/GFSVOLUME00 /mnt/backups $ > ls dir1/ dir2/ dir3/ $ > cd dir3/ $ > ls data... data... This is disconcerting for me since I do not want servers to have full access...I've attempted to look at permissions, and have yet to find anything... Care to shine some light for me? Thanks, -- Thomas Liakos