hi! I added the compiler flags into the SPEC file and compiled again, removed the old RPMs and deleted the whole /etc/gluser* dirs, configfiles and logfiles then I installed the new RPMs and started glusterd and ran the mgmt commands - the strange thing: NOW IT WORKS!!! no segfault, no coredump that means, one or both of the CFLAGS solves the segfault. I'll going on compiling v 3.1.2 with the CFLAGS too and testing it. here the output of my testing: # gluster peer probe virt-zabbix-03 Probe successful # gluster peer status Number of Peers: 1 Hostname: virt-zabbix-03 Uuid: e9117cc0-b014-43a2-a4dc-99a98dde5ad8 State: Peer in Cluster (Connected) # gluster volume create test-vol2 transport tcp virt-zabbix-02:/gfs1 virt-zabbix-03:/gfs1 Creation of volume test-vol2 has been successful. Please start the volume to access data. # gluster volume info Volume Name: test-vol2 Type: Distribute Status: Created Number of Bricks: 2 Transport-type: tcp Bricks: Brick1: virt-zabbix-02:/gfs1 Brick2: virt-zabbix-03:/gfs1 # gluster volume start test-vol2 Starting volume test-vol2 has been successful # gluster volume info Volume Name: test-vol2 Type: Distribute Status: Started Number of Bricks: 2 Transport-type: tcp Bricks: Brick1: virt-zabbix-02:/gfs1 Brick2: virt-zabbix-03:/gfs1 regards markus Am 27.01.2011 11:20, schrieb Raghavendra G: > '-g3 -O0' -- Mit freundlichen Gr?ssen Markus Fr?hlich Techniker ________________________________________________________ Xidras GmbH Stockern 47 3744 Stockern Austria Tel: +43 (0) 2983 201 30503 Fax: +43 (0) 2983 201 305039 Email: markus.froehlich at xidras.com Web: http://www.xidras.com FN 317036 f | Landesgericht Krems | ATU64485024 ________________________________________________________________________________ VERTRAULICHE INFORMATIONEN! Diese eMail enth?lt vertrauliche Informationen und ist nur f?r den berechtigten Empf?nger bestimmt. Wenn diese eMail nicht f?r Sie bestimmt ist, bitten wir Sie, diese eMail an uns zur?ckzusenden und anschlie?end auf Ihrem Computer und Mail-Server zu l?schen. Solche eMails und Anlagen d?rfen Sie weder nutzen, noch verarbeiten oder Dritten zug?nglich machen, gleich in welcher Form. Wir danken f?r Ihre Kooperation! CONFIDENTIAL! This email contains confidential information and is intended for the authorised recipient only. If you are not an authorised recipient, please return the email to us and then delete it from your computer and mail-server. You may neither use nor edit any such emails including attachments, nor make them accessible to third parties in any manner whatsoever. Thank you for your cooperation ________________________________________________________________________________