Hi Peoples, i hope any one can help me to solve the Problem we are facing here. We have 7 clients connected two Servers (distributed and replicated) , the File system is EXT3. The used Glusterfs Version is 3.0.7 On the Servers is one Raid5 Lun mounted on the Folder X, in that folder are 5 Sub-folders witch are exported to the clients. 3 clients are connected to Sub-folder A, 1 is connected to the Sub-folder B, 1 to C and so on. Each of the Clients is running a webserver , and several times a day all of the Client are having load peaks and stop Serving content for about 3 - 7 minutes. also on the Servers there is a smaller load peak at the same time. On the 2 Servers are more raidluns and glusterfs exports witch do not have these problems . Thx in advance