2011/1/14 ?ukasz Jagie??o <jagiello.lukasz at gmail.com>: > 2011/1/14 Max Ivanov <ivanov.maxim at gmail.com>: >>> Gluster - and in fact most (all?) parallel filesystems are optimized for very large files. That being the case, small files are not retrieved as efficiently, and result in a larger number of file operations in total because there are a fixed number for each file accessed. >> >> >> Which makes glusterfs perfomance unacceptable for web hosting purposes =( > > Everything depends how you want to use it for web hosting. If it's > just storage for static content and all requests going over some > reverse proxy cache (ex. varnish) should be ok. > > -- > ?ukasz Jagie??o > lukasz<at>jagiello<dot>org We are using it for image based storage with virtualization. What is the definition of large files for Gluster, that is a vague statement. ~~~ Andrew "lathama" Latham lathama at gmail.com ~~~