Hello! On 12.01.11 15:20, Claudio Baeza Retamal wrote: > In gluster, it possible share a volume through rdma and tcp simultaneously? I realized such a setup with GlusterFS 2.x by using two server volumes in the same volfile: volume tcp-server option transport-type tcp ... end volume volume ib-server option transport-type rdma ... end volume With GlusterFS 3.1 and it's cool management frontend I didn't found a way to realize such a setup without hacking the volfile. *hint-to-the-developers* :-) Beat -- \|/ Beat Rubischon <beat at 0x1b.ch> ( 0-0 ) http://www.0x1b.ch/~beat/ oOO--(_)--OOo--------------------------------------------------- Meine Erlebnisse, Gedanken und Traeume: http://www.0x1b.ch/blog/