Hello, I am in the process of setting up my Gluster shares and I am looking at the following two setup options and I am wondering if anyone can speak to the pros/cons of either: 1) Create one large zfs filesystem for gluster. eg: zfs create pool1/glusterfs and then create several folders with 'mkdir' inside '/pool1/glusterfs' (music,videos,documents). 2) Create 1 zfs filesystem per share. eg: zfs create pool1/glusterfs zfs create pool1/glusterfs/music zfs create pool1/glusterfs/videos zfs create pool1/glusterfs/documents I would then share /pool1/glusterfs out with gluster (I do not want to have to have an overly complicated .vol file with each share having it's own gluster volume). Any thoughts would be great. Thanks, Shain