(Apologies if this appears as a dupe, but I'm resending this as I first sent it before I'd subscribed to the mailing list, and I'm not sure whether it made it through moderation) Hi, I'm looking at using GlusterFS to replicate a filesystem between two sites about ~300km apart. The filesystem is expected to have relatively few files (a couple of thousand) of small size (under a few hundred kilobytes each) and IO will be mainly reads, although writes can occur on both sites. I'm currently measuring latency between sites at ~7ms. I've run some tests in a LAN environment, and GlusterFS 3.1.2-1 works as advertised. But it'd be nice to know if anyone is running GlusterFS over a wider area and if there is any advice with regard to configuration. I see from this thread from May 2010: http://www.mail-archive.com/gluster-users at gluster.org/msg03296.html that WAN performance might be poor due to the fact that the clients check whether a file is up-to-date before performing reads, is this still the case? Thanks in advance. -- Jonathan Barber <jonathan.barber at gmail.com>