Hello list-members I discovered gluster last month and installed it in our environment. The first test was successfull (1 striped volume with 3 bricks) and I use it since 3 weeks - works fine. Now I installed a second volume (striped with 9 bricks) and this also works fine. The next try was a striped volume with 15 bricks - and this one failed. After search at this mailing list and documentation I didn't find any answer (logs and responses are OK, peers connected, responses 0) So now I did the following tests: 5 bricks stripe 5 gluster volume create big-stripe stripe 5 transport tcp server1:/mount server2:/mount server3:/mount server4:/mount server5:/mount - works fine 10 bricks stripe 5 gluster volume create big-stripe stripe 5 transport tcp server1:/mount server2:/mount server3:/mount server4:/mount server5:/mount server6:/mount server7:/mount server8:/mount server9:/mount server10:/mount - works fine 15 bricks stripe 5 gluster volume create big-stripe stripe 5 transport tcp server1:/mount server2:/mount server3:/mount server4:/mount server5:/mount server6:/mount server7:/mount server8:/mount server9:/mount server10:/mount server11:/mount server12:/mount server13:/mount server14:/mount server15:/mount - does not work I also tried 12 bricks stripe 3 gluster volume create big-stripe stripe 3 transport tcp server1:/mount server2:/mount server3:/mount server4:/mount server5:/mount server6:/mount server7:/mount server8:/mount server9:/mount server10:/mount server11:/mount server12:/mount - works fine 15 bricks stripe 5 gluster volume create big-stripe stripe 3 transport tcp server1:/mount server2:/mount server3:/mount server4:/mount server5:/mount server6:/mount server7:/mount server8:/mount server9:/mount server10:/mount server11:/mount server12:/mount server13:/mount server14:/mount server15:/mount - does not work So is there a limit that prevents creating volumes with # of bricks > 12? CU Hartmut