Dear friends, I have several problems of stability, reliability in a small-middle sized cluster, my configuration is the following: 66 compute nodes (IBM idataplex, X5550, 24 GB RAM) 1 access node (front end) 1 master node (queue manager and monotoring) 2 server for I/O with GlusterFS configured in distributed mode (4 TB in total) All computer have a Mellanox ConnectX QDR (40 Gbps) dual port 1 Switch Qlogic 12800-180, 7 leaf of 24 ports each one and two double Spines QSFP plug Centos 5.5 and Xcat as cluster manager Ofed 1.5.1 Gluster 3.1.1 over inbiniband When the cluster is full loaded for applications which use heavily MPI in combination with other application which uses a lot of I/O to file system, GlusterFS do not work anymore. Also, when gendb uses interproscan bioinformatic applications with 128 o more jobs, GlusterFS death or disconnects clients randomly, so, some applicatios become shutdown due they do not see the file system. This do not happen with Gluster over tcp (ethernet 1 Gbps) and neither happen with Lustre 1.8.5 over infiniband, under same conditions Lustre work fine. My question is, exist any documenation where there are information more especific for GlusterFS tuning? Only I found basic information for configuring Gluster, but I do no have information more deep (i.e. for experts), I think must exist some option for manipulate this siuation on GlusterFS, moreover, other people should have the same problems, since we replicate the configuration in other site with the same results. Perhaps, the question is about the gluster scalability, how many clients is recommended for each gluster server when I use RDMA and infiniband fabric at 40 Gbps? I would appreciate any help, I want to use Gluster, but stability and reliability is very important for us. Perhaps claudio