Hi, Fist of all thanks for all the work you put into gluster this product is fantastic. In our setup, we have to have some kind of nfs authentication. Not beeing able to set the rpc-auth option using the cli was a big draw-back for us. Setting the option auth.allow only set the gluster auth.addr.allow option in the bricks themselves but did not do any good regarding nfs access. Setting the option option rpc-auth.addr.MyVolume.allow * directly into the config file /etc/glusterd/nfs/nfs-server.vol did not worked as each modification (ie gluster start volume MyVolume) would overwrite changes After browsing the web/mailing list and trying to find a workaround to implement nfs auth we decided to patch the source code to add an extra option to the gluster "volume set" framwork. Which was a rather easy task considering the quality of the source code. A few lines in glusterd-volgen.c did the trick It worked for us, so here is the patch which allow users to issue: gluster volume set MyVolume rpc-auth.allow "10.*,192.*" default is still "*" Cheers -- Benjamin Cleyet-Marrel Directeur de l'ing?nierie Open Wide Outsourcing http://outsourcing.openwide.fr