Hi everyone, I've started some tests on gluster 3.2.0 over RDMA, and while everything works fine and I have fast transfer rates, I keep getting these errors on my client logs. Any idea on what it can be and how to make them disappear? The configuration files are in the simplest form, fresh out of installation. [2011-04-28 11:01:41.115317] E [iobuf.c:526:iobuf_ref] (-->/usr/local/lib/glusterfs/3.2.0/rpc-transport/rdma.so(rdma_recv_reply+0xd c) [0x2aaaac54a1ec] (-->/usr/local/lib/glusterfs/3.2.0/rpc-transport/rdma.so(rdma_pollin_notify+ 0x77) [0x2aaaac549b27] (-->/usr/local/lib/libgfrpc.so.0(rpc_transport_pollin_alloc+0x82) [0x2b497aedba92]))) 0-iobuf: invalid argument: iobuf Thanks in advance, Daniel ????????????????????????? ?SkillUpJapan Corporation ?Research and Development Office Senior Researcher Engineer ?Daniel Pereira?d.pereira at skillupjapan.co.jp ?Tokyo, Shinjuku, Takadanobaba 1-24-16 Uchida Building 1st Floor ?TEL:03-5287-4087?FAX:03-5287-4135 http://www.skillupjapan.co.jp/ ?????????????????????????