Dear Community Users, Gluster recently announced the ALPHA release of the GlusterFS Native NFS Server. We would like to thank all of you who sent feedback to us. The file pointed to by the URL below ( KnowYourNFSAlpha-1.pdf ) shows some results with the GlusterFS Native NFS Server. A very simple configuration and the simple dd test was used to demonstrate how quickly the Native NFS Server could do protocol translation and pass data to and fro between the GlusterFS domain on one side and the NFSv3 domain on the other. Please have a look and try out the NFS Alpha release in your test environment with your unique workloads and provide us feedback. Please be aware that this is an ALPHA release and in no way should be used in production. Gluster is not responsible for any loss of data or service resulting from the use of this ALPHA NFS Release. Feel free to send feedback, comments and questions to: nfs-alpha at The release notes of the NFS ALPHA Release are available at - The Release notes describe where RPMs and source code can be obtained and where bugs found in this ALPHA release can be filed. Some examples on usage are also provided. Regards, Tejas Bhise.