hi! iv's some information about automount in /etc/fstab ... i think there is a broken depency from fuse module to mount the gluster filesystem when i do a "modprobe fuse" and then "mount -a" the gfs mount works successful. is there a way to load fuse before gfs mounts? my current workaround: /etc/rc.local modprobe fuse mount -a any ideas? regards from austria, josy my config: Centos 5.5: Linux 2.6.18-194.el5xen #1 SMP Fri Apr 2 15:34:40 EDT 2010 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux glusterfs-volgen -c /etc/glusterfs/ --name glusterFSr1 --raid 1 gluster01:/glusterFS/r1 gluster02:/glusterFS/r1 client: /etc/fstab /etc/glusterfs/glusterFSr1-tcp.vol /gFS glusterfs defaults,_netdev 0 0 My source: http://www.gluster.com/community/documentation/index.php/Client_Installa tion_and_Configuration#Automounting_a_Volume gugler* News der Woche: Erfolgreiches ?ko-Audit! Das g* Umweltmanagementsystem erf?llt die h?chsten europ?ischen EMAS-Standards. Lesen Sie mehr dar?ber im neuen gugler* Nachhaltigkeitsbericht: http://www.gugler.at/unternehmen/publikationen/g-nachhaltigkeitsbericht.html