I'm planning a storage solution for our HPC environment which is built on both gigabit and infiniband switches. The "gluster storage nodes" are connected to a "infiniband storage switch", and the question is how to connect our gigabit based subclusters to this storage network. As we see it we could either: (i) equip all gluster nodes with gigabit nodes and attach them to a "gigabit storage network" (as well as the "infiniband storage network"). Our gigabit subclusters are then attached to a "gigabit storage network". or (ii) use a separate computer as router equipped with a bunch of gigabit ports (for connecting with the gigabit subclusters) and a few infiniband ports (for connecting with the "infiniband storage network"). This computer could even play the double role as a gluster node? Are there any praticular drawbacks with either of these ways of doing it? As of today our gigabit subclusters are connected to single fileserver, connected to a raided bunch of disks using FC, giving us sufficient I/O performance. We are therefore inclined to believe that the second option above would also be sufficient. Regards, and thanks, /jon