Amar Tumballi <amar at> wrote: > On Sat, Dec 11, 2010 at 11:02 AM, Devin Reade <gdr at> wrote: >> Is there any update on how we're supposed to rotate these files >> > You can do below steps to get the log rotate done for these volumes: [snip] > step 3: kill -HUP $pid_of_glusterfs_process Ok, but in <> Craig Carl mentioned that "glusterfs doesn't respond well to HUP", which is why I ask the question. So as of 3.1.1 is HUP considered safe or not? AFAIK, there is nothing in the docs that cover this issue, so it would at least be good to describe until such time as <> is resolved. Orian mentioned using copytruncate via logrotate as an option. If that is necessary, I'd suggest that it be documented as well (instead of HUPing via logrotate). Devin