Hello Bala, Amazon now allows custom kernels and specifically verified that Fedora 11 is supported: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/AmazonWebServicesBlog/~3/t4biB2euVkk/use-your-own-kernel-with-amazon-ec2.html Would Gluster consider offering a DevPay AMI of the Gluster Storage Platform on EC2? DevPay AMIs would allow Gluster to retain their subscription model with a mark-up of the hourly run-time charges on an instance type. This would allow prospective customers like my clients to pay-as-they go while testing. http://labslice.com/ is a new service which can give Gluster the ability to invite prospects to timed demo instances of EBS-Backed AMIs, should Gluster prefer to stick with the 30 day trial method. I would be interested in working with Gluster to explore this possibility. Jack Murgia Cloud Controllers Amazon Web Services Solution Provider http://www.cloudcontrollers.com/ (415) 494-2855 Phone cloudcontrollers Skype/AIM/Googletalk/MSN/Yahoo cloudcontroller twitter