Bryan, Replicate means to mirror files to multiple/different volumes Distribute means to distribute the writing of files across a set of volumes. To get the best setup you almost always want to use replicate (for fault tolerance) and distribute (to make multiple drives appear to the client as a single volume). Larry Bates vitalEsafe, Inc. ------------------------------ Message: 8 Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 19:18:43 -0500 From: Bryan McGuire <bmcguire at> Subject: Replicated vs distributed To: "gluster-users at" <gluster-users at> Message-ID: <816FDBFD-D00F-4802-B19F-7C9730402074 at> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Could someone explain to the new person the difference between replicated and distributed volumes Thanks Bryan