Hi all, I've just made some i386 and amd64 Ubuntu Hardy packages for the latest GlusterFS qa release, qa16 It builds on the current Debian packages for 1.3.12, but there was quite a bit of fiddly changes to be done. you can add this to your sources.list: deb http://apt.brightbox.net/ hardy gluster2 and you can import our repository key from here: http://apt.brightbox.net/release.asc The source for the package is available from my github account: http://github.com/johnl/deb-glusterfs/tree/master The packages are currently named the same as in Debian/Ubuntu but have higher version numbers - though with the major changes I think the package names needs to change before this is finished (gluster2-server etc.). So for now, you can just add the repository line, import our key, apt-get update and apt-get upgrade. I've not yet packaged the apache module - not sure when I'll get to that. Any takers? John. -- Serious Rails Hosting: http://www.brightbox.co.uk