> > This probably possible to do with GlusterFS, but I'd like to get the experts > opinion. > > I have several servers running, each writing to their own disks. Also, I > have another server that needs to access this info. > > What I'd like to do, is to unify all the servers disks into a single volume, > without HA/tolerance (for now). The the server could access and read the > information from this volume in a centralized way. > > So I interested in following: > > 1) Re-use existing data - without reinstalling the servers. > 2) Export all into a single volume. > 3) Potentially in future, add fault tolerance by adding more servers/disks. > > I asked before about 1 and 2 - but would like to be sure that it indeed > would work. > 3 also would be nice. > > A simple sample file for such topology won't hurt as well ;). Have you looked at NUFA? The latest NUFA and distribute translators are compatible with each other. You can have the 'writers' in a NUFA cluster (where they write to local nodes, but with a global namespace -- everybodys data accessible). With the same volfile, you can replace nufa with distribute, and have external machines access this volume as well. Thanks, Avati