Hello , Im tring to set up gluster volume but to use drbd to replicate 2 vloumes insted of using the AFR translator , it took me 1 hour to realize that the AFR is not stable for the following resones : in the example i tested 2 servers in AFR and distribute only 1 AFR (possible add more but just test with 1 AFR volume) volume vo1 type cluster/afr # option data-self-heal off # option metadata-self-heal off # option entry-self-heal off subvolumes storage1 storage2 end-volume volume cluster type cluster/distribute option lookup-unhashed yes subvolumes vo1 end-volume - all workimg ok , then if node 1 is rebooed node 2 takes its place and start serving KVM images ok also but when node 1 comes back from reboot the KVM images is locked by server 2 and the data is not replicated back to server 1 i read the gluster papers regarding this issue with opened files that were opened when the otehr member of the AFR is not online and its a big issue seens if server 1 just reboot for a minut then all replication is no good anymore So i guues in this stage and limitation its better be called 1 way replication with limitations and not proof for production use . In any case i decided to do the redundency of server 1 and 2 with DRBD wich is very stable and use gluster for its better abilities such as option of growing the file system in the future if needed and the client fail safe to other member node if 1 member is not online insted of using linux HA(heatbeat) I tested few client VOL configs and noticed that its not quite simple If i ommit the AFR translator and use only volume cluster type cluster/distribute option lookup-unhashed yes subvolumes storage1 storage2 end-volume with or without option lookup-unhashed yes then after a while every file show up 2 times in the mount point and its also not clear how the distribute will work on 2 DRBD(same volumes) Is there any way to implement this aka AFR translator that doesnt replicate at all e.g just bond the 2 nodes to 1 volume for load balanced and distribute perposes . I realy like gluster for its simplicity and if will be implemnted right and will work ok too then its much better then other file systems in that category like lustre for my needs anyway . sorry for my english . Rob .