Ah - good point. My Debian system ended up running a kernel patch lately so quite possibly that messed up my gluster fuse install. I'll take a look at it this evening and see what's happened, because it was a very sudden occurrence on what has been an otherwise stable experience. - Will -----Original Message----- From: Keith Freedman [mailto:freedman at FreeFormIT.com] Sent: Monday, September 15, 2008 12:09 PM To: Will Rouesnel; gluster-users at gluster.org Subject: Re: GlusterFS suddenly started crashing are you using the system fuse or gluster fuse? what os versions/fuse versions are you using? did you do any os/fuse upgrades recently? I've been having some similar problems. The gluster devs are working on some test scenarios to figure out what's going on, but my suspicions are that it's more of a fuse related issue than gluster itself, but I dunno. I'm sure the above info will be helpful in debugging. <snipped my original post>