Hi, Thanks for you your reply. Here is the part of my configuration file that might explain better what I am trying to do. ----------- #glusterfs-server-dream.vol # dream-mirror is the directory where I would like to have a complete copy of unify0 volume dream-mirror type storage/posix option directory /glusterfs-mirror end-volume volume dream type storage/posix option directory /glusterfs end-volume # namespace for unify0 volume dream-ns type storage/posix option directory /glusterfs-ns end-volume # another node volume neo type protocol/client option transport-type tcp/client option remote-host neo # defined in /etc/hosts option remote-subvolume neo end-volume #another node volume echo type protocol/client option transport-type tcp/client option remote-host echo option remote-subvolume echo end-volume volume unify0 type cluster/unify option scheduler rr # round robin # going to switch to NUFA option namespace dream-ns subvolumes dream echo neo end-volume volume afr0 type cluster/afr subvolumes unify0 dream-mirror end-volume volume server type protocol/server option transport-type tcp/server subvolumes dream dream-ns unify0 option auth.ip.dream.allow * option auth.ip.dream-ns.allow * option auth.ip.unify0.allow * # option auth.ip.dream-mirror.allow * # option auth.ip.afr0.allow * end-volume ---------- # glusterfs-client-dream.vol volume unify0 type protocol/client option transport-type tcp/client option remote-host # IP address of server2 option remote-subvolume unify0 # use dream on server2 end-volume ---------------- the problem with our network is that it is slow (100MBit/s). So it would be great if all files (talking about /home/*) would just stay on the workstations, unless needed somewhere else. So I would like to do a afr over a unify guy, but so far volume dream-mirror remains empty. Thanks! Wolfgang