Re: Build failed in Jenkins: regression-test-burn-in #2734

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Hey All,

A patch [1] that I pushed to master on behalf of Shreyas has caused our regression burn-in tests to fail over the weekend. There is another patch from Shreyas [2] that fixes the problem and is currently awaiting votes from CentOS & NetBSD regressions. My bad that we did not end up getting both these patches in the repo at the same time.

Once patch [2] is pulled in, we should be back to normal. Apologies for any inconvenience caused!




On Sun, Mar 5, 2017 at 5:54 PM, <jenkins@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
See <>

[...truncated 13078 lines...]
ok 39, LINENUM:121
ok 40, LINENUM:122
ok 41, LINENUM:123
ok 42, LINENUM:124
ok 43, LINENUM:127
Failed 1/43 subtests

Test Summary Report
./tests/bugs/distribute/bug-1161311.t (Wstat: 0 Tests: 43 Failed: 1)
  Failed test:  27
Files=1, Tests=43, 139 wallclock secs ( 0.02 usr  0.00 sys +  1.54 cusr 98.23 csys = 99.79 CPU)
Result: FAIL
End of test ./tests/bugs/distribute/bug-1161311.t

Run complete
Number of tests found:                             221
Number of tests selected for run based on pattern: 221
Number of tests skipped as they were marked bad:   8
Number of tests skipped because of known_issues:   4
Number of tests that were run:                     209

1 test(s) failed

0 test(s) generated core

Tests ordered by time taken, slowest to fastest:
./tests/basic/tier/tier.t  -  495 second
./tests/basic/ec/ec-12-4.t  -  359 second
./tests/basic/ec/ec-7-3.t  -  217 second
./tests/basic/ec/ec-6-2.t  -  183 second
./tests/basic/afr/entry-self-heal.t  -  162 second
./tests/basic/afr/split-brain-favorite-child-policy.t  -  161 second
./tests/basic/ec/ec-5-2.t  -  158 second
./tests/bugs/distribute/bug-1125824.t  -  157 second
./tests/basic/ec/ec-5-1.t  -  156 second
./tests/basic/afr/self-heal.t  -  146 second
./tests/bugs/distribute/bug-1161311.t  -  143 second
./tests/basic/ec/ec-4-1.t  -  132 second
./tests/basic/tier/legacy-many.t  -  126 second
./tests/basic/ec/ec-optimistic-changelog.t  -  124 second
./tests/basic/afr/self-heald.t  -  113 second
./tests/bugs/distribute/bug-1117851.t  -  110 second
./tests/bugs/core/bug-1110917.t  -  109 second
./tests/basic/ec/ec-3-1.t  -  102 second
./tests/basic/volume-snapshot-clone.t  -  86 second
./tests/basic/tier/new-tier-cmds.t  -  86 second
./tests/basic/afr/split-brain-heal-info.t  -  84 second
./tests/basic/afr/sparse-file-self-heal.t  -  83 second
./tests/basic/ec/ec-new-entry.t  -  81 second
./tests/basic/ec/heal-info.t  -  80 second
./tests/basic/afr/metadata-self-heal.t  -  79 second
./tests/basic/afr/split-brain-healing.t  -  77 second
./tests/basic/ec/ec-notify.t  -  75 second
./tests/basic/ec/ec-background-heals.t  -  74 second
./tests/bugs/bug-1368312.t  -  68 second
./tests/basic/quota.t  -  63 second
./tests/basic/afr/granular-esh/cli.t  -  63 second
./tests/basic/ec/self-heal.t  -  60 second
./tests/basic/uss.t  -  57 second
./tests/bugs/cli/bug-770655.t  -  56 second
./tests/basic/volume-snapshot.t  -  54 second
./tests/basic/tier/fops-during-migration-pause.t  -  52 second
./tests/basic/afr/quorum.t  -  52 second
./tests/basic/tier/frequency-counters.t  -  50 second
./tests/basic/mount-nfs-auth.t  -  47 second
./tests/basic/afr/inodelk.t  -  47 second
./tests/basic/ec/ec.t  -  45 second
./tests/basic/ec/ec-readdir.t  -  45 second
./tests/basic/afr/gfid-self-heal.t  -  42 second
./tests/basic/afr/arbiter.t  -  42 second
./tests/basic/ec/ec-cpu-extensions.t  -  41 second
./tests/basic/mpx-compat.t  -  39 second
./tests/basic/tier/tier-heald.t  -  37 second
./tests/bitrot/bug-1294786.t  -  36 second
./tests/bitrot/br-state-check.t  -  36 second
./tests/basic/tier/locked_file_migration.t  -  36 second
./tests/basic/afr/granular-esh/conservative-merge.t  -  36 second
./tests/basic/volume-snapshot-xml.t  -  35 second
./tests/basic/tier/unlink-during-migration.t  -  35 second
./tests/basic/geo-replication/marker-xattrs.t  -  32 second
./tests/bugs/core/bug-1402841.t-mt-dir-scan-race.t  -  28 second
./tests/basic/quota-ancestry-building.t  -  28 second
./tests/basic/afr/data-self-heal.t  -  28 second
./tests/basic/afr/arbiter-mount.t  -  28 second
./tests/bugs/cli/bug-1353156-get-state-cli-validations.t  -  27 second
./tests/basic/afr/split-brain-resolution.t  -  27 second
./tests/basic/afr/durability-off.t  -  27 second
./tests/bugs/cli/bug-1320388.t  -  26 second
./tests/basic/afr/heal-quota.t  -  26 second
./tests/basic/afr/arbiter-add-brick.t  -  26 second
./tests/basic/nufa.t  -  25 second
./tests/basic/mgmt_v3-locks.t  -  25 second
./tests/bugs/bitrot/bug-1227996.t  -  24 second
./tests/basic/gfapi/gfapi-ssl-test.t  -  24 second
./tests/basic/op_errnos.t  -  23 second
./tests/basic/mount.t  -  23 second
./tests/basic/afr/granular-esh/replace-brick.t  -  23 second
./tests/basic/glusterd/volfile_server_switch.t  -  22 second
./tests/basic/ec/quota.t  -  22 second
./tests/basic/afr/granular-esh/granular-indices-but-non-granular-heal.t  -  22 second
./tests/basic/afr/granular-esh/granular-esh.t  -  22 second
./tests/basic/0symbol-check.t  -  22 second
./tests/bugs/bitrot/bug-1245981.t  -  21 second
./tests/basic/glusterd/heald.t  -  21 second
./tests/basic/ec/statedump.t  -  21 second
./tests/bugs/cli/bug-1113476.t  -  20 second
./tests/bitrot/bug-1373520.t  -  20 second
./tests/basic/tier/file_with_spaces.t  -  20 second
./tests/basic/afr/client-side-heal.t  -  20 second
./tests/bugs/cli/bug-1169302.t  -  19 second
./tests/bugs/cli/bug-1077682.t  -  19 second
./tests/bugs/changelog/bug-1225542.t  -  19 second
./tests/bugs/bitrot/bug-1288490.t  -  19 second
./tests/basic/afr/replace-brick-self-heal.t  -  19 second
./tests/basic/afr/granular-esh/add-brick.t  -  19 second
./tests/basic/afr/add-brick-self-heal.t  -  19 second
./tests/bugs/changelog/bug-1321955.t  -  18 second
./tests/bugs/bug-1110262.t  -  18 second
./tests/bugs/bitrot/bug-1228680.t  -  18 second
./tests/basic/volume.t  -  18 second
./tests/basic/tier/readdir-during-migration.t  -  18 second
./tests/bugs/bitrot/1209751-bitrot-scrub-tunable-reset.t  -  17 second
./tests/basic/quota-anon-fd-nfs.t  -  17 second
./tests/basic/afr/resolve.t  -  17 second
./tests/bugs/distribute/bug-1161156.t  -  16 second
./tests/bugs/distribute/bug-1042725.t  -  16 second
./tests/bugs/cli/bug-1047416.t  -  16 second
./tests/bugs/bitrot/1209752-volume-status-should-show-bitrot-scrub-info.t  -  16 second
./tests/basic/pump.t  -  16 second
./tests/basic/glusterd/disperse-create.t  -  16 second
./tests/basic/glusterd/arbiter-volume-probe.t  -  16 second
./tests/basic/gfid-access.t  -  16 second
./tests/basic/cdc.t  -  16 second
./tests/basic/afr/read-subvol-data.t  -  16 second
./tests/bugs/distribute/bug-1099890.t  -  15 second
./tests/bugs/core/bug-927616.t  -  15 second
./tests/bugs/changelog/bug-1211327.t  -  15 second
./tests/bugs/bitrot/1207029-bitrot-daemon-should-start-on-valid-node.t  -  15 second
./tests/basic/rpc-coverage.t  -  15 second
./tests/basic/ec/ec-root-heal.t  -  15 second
./tests/bugs/distribute/bug-1122443.t  -  14 second
./tests/bugs/cli/bug-822830.t  -  14 second
./tests/bitrot/bug-1207627-bitrot-scrub-status.t  -  14 second
./tests/basic/volume-status.t  -  14 second
./tests/basic/multiplex.t  -  14 second
./tests/basic/inode-quota-enforcing.t  -  14 second
./tests/basic/bd.t  -  14 second
./tests/basic/afr/stale-file-lookup.t  -  14 second
./tests/basic/afr/root-squash-self-heal.t  -  14 second
./tests/basic/afr/read-subvol-entry.t  -  14 second
./tests/bugs/core/bug-1421590-brick-mux-resuse-ports.t  -  13 second
./tests/basic/stats-dump.t  -  13 second
./tests/basic/quota-nfs.t  -  13 second
./tests/basic/glusterd/arbiter-volume.t  -  13 second
./tests/bugs/distribute/bug-1088231.t  -  12 second
./tests/bugs/distribute/bug-1086228.t  -  12 second
./tests/bugs/cli/bug-1030580.t  -  12 second
./tests/bugs/changelog/bug-1208470.t  -  12 second
./tests/bugs/bitrot/1209818-vol-info-show-scrub-process-properly.t  -  12 second
./tests/bugs/access-control/bug-887098-gmount-crash.t  -  12 second
./tests/bitrot/bug-1244613.t  -  12 second
./tests/basic/fop-sampling.t  -  12 second
./tests/basic/ec/ec-read-policy.t  -  12 second
./tests/bugs/core/bug-1119582.t  -  11 second
./tests/bugs/cli/bug-1087487.t  -  11 second
./tests/bugs/bitrot/bug-1229134-bitd-not-support-vol-set.t  -  11 second
./tests/bugs/access-control/bug-958691.t  -  11 second
./tests/basic/tier/ctr-rename-overwrite.t  -  11 second
./tests/basic/ec/ec-anonymous-fd.t  -  11 second
./tests/basic/afr/gfid-heal.t  -  11 second
./tests/basic/afr/compounded-write-txns.t  -  11 second
./tests/basic/afr/arbiter-remove-brick.t  -  11 second
./tests/bugs/core/bug-986429.t  -  10 second
./tests/bugs/core/bug-908146.t  -  10 second
./tests/bugs/cli/bug-1022905.t  -  10 second
./tests/bugs/bug-1258069.t  -  10 second
./tests/bugs/bitrot/bug-1210684-scrub-pause-resume-error-handling.t  -  10 second
./tests/basic/meta.t  -  10 second
./tests/basic/ec/nfs.t  -  10 second
./tests/basic/distribute/bug-1265677-use-readdirp.t  -  10 second
./tests/bugs/core/bug-949242.t  -  9 second
./tests/bugs/core/bug-834465.t  -  9 second
./tests/bitrot/br-stub.t  -  9 second
./tests/basic/pgfid-feat.t  -  9 second
./tests/basic/md-cache/bug-1317785.t  -  9 second
./tests/basic/gfapi/upcall-cache-invalidate.t  -  9 second
./tests/basic/gfapi/bug-1241104.t  -  9 second
./tests/basic/gfapi/anonymous_fd.t  -  9 second
./tests/basic/ec/ec-internal-xattrs.t  -  9 second
./tests/basic/ec/dht-rename.t  -  9 second
./tests/basic/afr/heal-info.t  -  9 second
./tests/basic/afr/gfid-mismatch.t  -  9 second
./tests/basic/afr/arbiter-statfs.t  -  9 second
./tests/bugs/core/io-stats-1322825.t  -  8 second
./tests/bugs/core/bug-913544.t  -  8 second
./tests/bugs/core/bug-1168803-snapd-option-validation-fix.t  -  8 second
./tests/bugs/cli/bug-983317-volume-get.t  -  8 second
./tests/bugs/cli/bug-982174.t  -  8 second
./tests/bugs/cli/bug-961307.t  -  8 second
./tests/bugs/cli/bug-867252.t  -  8 second
./tests/basic/quota-rename.t  -  8 second
./tests/basic/md-cache/bug-1418249.t  -  8 second
./tests/basic/gfapi/glfs_sysrq.t  -  8 second
./tests/basic/gfapi/gfapi-dup.t  -  8 second
./tests/basic/distribute/throttle-rebal.t  -  8 second
./tests/bugs/core/bug-845213.t  -  7 second
./tests/bugs/core/bug-1421721-mpx-toggle.t  -  7 second
./tests/bugs/core/bug-1117951.t  -  7 second
./tests/bugs/core/949327.t  -  7 second
./tests/bugs/cli/bug-977246.t  -  7 second
./tests/bugs/cli/bug-1378842-volume-get-all.t  -  7 second
./tests/bugs/access-control/bug-1387241.t  -  7 second
./tests/bugs/access-control/bug-1051896.t  -  7 second
./tests/bitrot/bug-internal-xattrs-check-1243391.t  -  7 second
./tests/bitrot/bug-1221914.t  -  7 second
./tests/basic/gfapi/libgfapi-fini-hang.t  -  7 second
./tests/basic/gfapi/gfapi-trunc.t  -  7 second
./tests/basic/gfapi/gfapi-async-calls-test.t  -  7 second
./tests/basic/fops-sanity.t  -  7 second
./tests/bugs/core/log-bug-1362520.t  -  6 second
./tests/bugs/core/bug-924075.t  -  6 second
./tests/bugs/core/bug-903336.t  -  6 second
./tests/bugs/core/bug-1135514-allow-setxattr-with-null-value.t  -  6 second
./tests/bugs/core/bug-1111557.t  -  6 second
./tests/bugs/cli/bug-969193.t  -  6 second
./tests/bugs/cli/bug-921215.t  -  6 second
./tests/bugs/cli/bug-764638.t  -  6 second
./tests/bugs/cli/bug-1047378.t  -  6 second
./tests/bugs/cli/bug-1004218.t  -  6 second
./tests/basic/afr/arbiter-cli.t  -  6 second
./tests/bugs/cli/bug-949298.t  -  5 second
./tests/basic/posixonly.t  -  2 second
./tests/basic/netgroup_parsing.t  -  1 second
./tests/basic/exports_parsing.t  -  1 second
./tests/basic/first-test.t  -  0 second

Result is 1

tar: Removing leading `/' from member names
Logs archived in
kernel.core_pattern = /%e-%p.core
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure

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