On 08/16/2016 11:42 AM, Humble Devassy
Chirammal wrote:
If I am not mistaken, the RTD search is broken with mkdocs
theme in their hosted ( <project.RTD.{org/io}) platform.
iic, Its also possible that we can host RTD in house and
maintain it. It gives us the freedom of using the same
markdown files with a different theme or customization or
some workaround for the search issue. It looks to me that,
this is what @Gandalf is trying to propose in earlier
From the user perspective, changing the gluster documentation
(again) to a different format is going to be painful.
People used to bookmark a link, when they visit and resolve a issue.
If user is going to get 404 for these links, I think it's bad.
We should strive to resolve issues with existing links.
I can see many readthedocs website where search functionality is
working fine..maybe we should first try what Humble suggested here.
Its indeed a good move to have more people to contribute
to our upstream documentation. But it has to be weighed
against the existing data. If its going to be continuous help
Red Hat documentation team to improve our documentation,
instead of one shot attempt, we can definitely think about
it. Also, we need acknowledge from the community to shift our
documentation format from Markdown to ASCIIdoc or something
else, which we are trying to figure it out from this thread.
@Niels, I would like to defend your thought " I have the
feeling only very few people are aware how to send
documentation changes", based on https://github.com/gluster/glusterdocs/graphs/contributors
:) .
Also, as Prasanth mentioned, when the RTD search issue was
unresolved we gave a try to change the markdown to .rst, couldnt
finish it though.
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