Root inode gets linked during mount itselsf.
We get lookups on root. But since root inode is always present in the inode table, after the mount if there is a fop on an entry whose parent is root, then that fop will be able to find the parent in the inode table as part of resolve. So it need not explicitly send a hard resolution for resolving parent inode.
Du? Did I miss anything?
On Mar 28, 2016 11:02 AM, "Vijaikumar Mallikarjuna" <vmallika@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Du/Johny,
Don't we get a lookup on root inode? Please confirm.
If we don't get lookup on root inode, then we need to create inode-ctx in a posix_acl_ctx_get() function.
VijayOn 28-Mar-2016 7:37 PM, "FNU Raghavendra Manjunath" <rabhat@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:CCing Vijay Kumar who made the acl related changes in that patch.Vijay? Can you please look into it?Regards,RaghavendraOn Mon, Mar 28, 2016 at 9:57 AM, Avra Sengupta <asengupt@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:Hi Raghavendra,
As part of the patch (, the inode_ctx is not created in posix_acl_ctx_get(). Because of this the testcase in breaks. It fails with the following logs:
[2016-03-28 13:43:39.216168] D [MSGID: 0] [io-threads.c:346:iot_schedule] 0-patchy-io-threads: CREATE scheduled as normal fop
[2016-03-28 13:43:39.216495] E [posix-acl.c:199:acl_permits] (--> /usr/local/lib/[0x7f6fea72780a] (--> /usr/local/lib/glusterfs/3.8dev/xlator/features/[0x7f6fde5499c4] (--> /usr/local/lib/glusterfs/3.8dev/xlator/features/[0x7f6fde54f855] (--> /usr/local/lib/glusterfs/3.8dev/xlator/features/[0x7f6fde33837e] (--> /usr/local/lib/glusterfs/3.8dev/xlator/features/[0x7f6fde12040f] ))))) 0-patchy-access-control: inode ctx is NULL for 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001
[2016-03-28 13:43:39.216544] I [MSGID: 115071] [server-rpc-fops.c:1612:server_create_cbk] 0-patchy-server: 8: CREATE /file1 (00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001/file1) ==> (Permission denied) [Permission denied]
Is it because we missed the inode_ctx creation that was being done by posix_acl_ctx_get() previously? Can you please shed some light on this
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