On 01/21/2016 08:25 PM, Glomski,
Patrick wrote:
Hello, Pranith. The typical behavior is that the %cpu on a
glusterfsd process jumps to number of processor cores
available (800% or 1200%, depending on the pair of nodes
involved) and the load average on the machine goes very high
(~20). The volume's heal statistics output shows that it is
crawling one of the bricks and trying to heal, but this crawl
hangs and never seems to finish.
The number of files in the xattrop directory varies over time,
so I ran a wc -l as you requested periodically for some time and
then started including a datestamped list of the files that were
in the xattrops directory on each brick to see which were
persistent. All bricks had files in the xattrop folder, so all
results are attached.
Thanks this info is helpful. I don't see a lot of files. Could you
give output of "gluster volume heal <volname> info"? Is there
any directory in there which is LARGE?
Please let me know if there is anything else I can provide.
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