On 12/28/2015 01:01 PM, Vijay Bellur wrote:
On 12/21/2015 05:51 AM, Aravinda wrote:
In the past I submitted a feature([1] and [2]) to provide REST interface
to Gluster
CLI commands. I abandoned the patch because Glusterd 2.0 had plan to
include REST API support natively. Now I started again since other
projects like "skyrings"[3] is looking for REST API support for
Created a gist[4] to discuss the REST API formats, Please review and let
me know your thoughts. Document is still in WIP, will update the
document by next week.
Are these APIs in sync with the ones in review for glusterd 2.0? Even
with api versioning, I would like us to have the APIs similar to 2.0
as much as possible.
I am trying to keep the APIs in sync with glusterd 2.0 for easy
migration. But have some confusions while choosing the HTTP method for
some URLs.
For example: Volume Creation.
Glusterd 2.0 uses volume name as part of body instead of part of URL
since volume id is unique identifier and which can be used to perform
other volume operations like start/stop.
But in Glusterd 1.0 operations based on ID is not possible using CLIs so
two calls per request.
POST /volumes/:id/start
In Glusterd 1.0,
Get Volname from Gluster Volume info
Use that Volname to construct Gluster CLI(gluster volume start :name)
In Glusterd 2.0,
May be directly possible to perform action using id.
To avoid this extra processing, I used Volume name as part of URL since
Volume name is unique identifier per Cluster and these REST APIs are for
single cluster management.
In Glusterd 1.0
PUT /volumes/:name
In Glusterd 2.0
POST /volumes
Once I submit the draft of REST API doc, we can discuss about these issues.
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