On 12/09/2015 08:11 PM, Shyam wrote:
On 12/09/2015 02:37 AM, Soumya Koduri wrote:On 12/09/2015 11:44 AM, Pranith Kumar Karampuri wrote:On 12/09/2015 06:37 AM, Vijay Bellur wrote:Yes Agree. This makes implementation on the client side simpler as well.On 12/08/2015 03:45 PM, Jeff Darcy wrote:On December 8, 2015 at 12:53:04 PM, Ira Cooper (ira@xxxxxxxxxx) wrote:Raghavendra Gowdappa writes: I propose that we define a "compound op" that contains ops. Within each op, there are fields that can be "inherited" from the previous op, via use of a sentinel value. Sentinel is -1, for all of these examples. So: LOOKUP (1, "foo") (Sets the gfid value to be picked up by compounding, 1 is the root directory, as a gfid, by convention.)OPEN(-1, O_RDWR) (Uses the gfid value, sets the glfd compound value.)WRITE(-1, "foo", 3) (Uses the glfd compound value.) CLOSE(-1) (Uses the glfd compound value)So, basically, what the programming-language types would call futuresand promises. It’s a good and well studied concept, which is necessaryto solve the second-order problem of how to specify an argument in sub-operation N+1 that’s not known until sub-operation N completes. To be honest, some of the highly general approaches suggested here scare me too. Wrapping up the arguments for one sub-operation in xdata for another would get pretty hairy if we ever try to go beyond two sub-operations and have to nest sub-operation #3’s args within sub-operation #2’s xdata which is itself encoded within sub-operation #1’s xdata. There’s also not much clarity about how to handle errors inthat model. Encoding N sub-operations’ arguments in a linear structure as Shyam proposes seems a bit cleaner that way. If I were to continue down that route I’d suggest just having start_compound and end-compound fops, plus an extra field (or by-convention xdata key) that either theclient-side or server-side translator could use to build whatever structure it wants and schedule sub-operations however it wants. However, I’d be even more comfortable with an even simpler approach that avoids the need to solve what the database folks (who have dealt withcomplex transactions for years) would tell us is a really hard problem.Instead of designing for every case we can imagine, let’s design for thecases that we know would be useful for improving performance. Open plusread/write plus close is an obvious one. Raghavendra mentions create+inodelk as well. For each of those, we can easily define a structure that contains the necessary fields, we don’t need aclient-side translator, and the server-side translator can take care of “forwarding” results from one sub-operation to the next. We could even use GF_FOP_IPC to prototype this. If we later find that the number of“one-off” compound requests is growing too large, then at least we’llhave some experience to guide our design of a more general alternative.Right now, I think we’re trying to look further ahead than we can see clearly.So it is welcome. Just updating the solution. 1) New RPCs are going to be implemented. 2) client stack will use these new fops. 3) On the server side we have server xlator implementing these new fops to decode the RPC request then resolve_resume andcompound-op-receiver(Better name for this is welcome) which sends one opafter other and send compound fop response.@Pranith, I assume you would expand on this at a later date (something along the lines of what Soumya has done below, right?
I will talk to her tomorrow to know more about this. Not saying this is what I will be implementing (There doesn't seem to be any consensus yet). But I would love to know how it is implemented.
List of compound fops identified so far: Swift/S3: PUT: creat(), write()s, setxattr(), fsync(), close(), rename() Dht: mkdir + inodelk Afr: xattrop+writev, xattrop+unlock to begin with. Could everyone who needs compound fops add to this list? I see that Niels is back on 14th. Does anyone else know the list of compound fops he has in mind?From the discussions we had with Niels regarding the kerberos support on GlusterFS, I think below are the set of compound fops which are required. set_uid + set_gid + set_lkowner (or kerberos principal name) + actual_fop Also gfapi does lookup (first time/to refresh inode) before performing actual fops most of the times. It may really help if we can club such fops -@Soumya +5 (just a random number :) ) This came to my mind as well, and is a good candidate for compounding.LOOKUP + FOP (OPEN etc) Coming to the design proposed, I agree with Shyam, Ira and Jeff's thoughts. Defining different compound fops for each specific set of operations and wrapping up those arguments in xdata seem rather complex and difficult to maintain going further. Having being worked with NFS, may I suggest why not we follow (or in similar lines) the approach being taken by NFS protocol to define and implement compound procedures. The basic structure of the NFS COMPOUND procedure is: +-----+--------------+--------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-- | tag | minorversion | numops | op + args | op + args | op + args | +-----+--------------+--------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-- and the reply's structure is: +------------+-----+--------+-----------------------+-- |last status | tag | numres | status + op + results | +------------+-----+--------+-----------------------+-- Each compound procedure will contain the number of operations followed by the list of 'op_code+arguments_for_that_fop' So on similar lines, we just need to define new RPC structure for COMPOUND fops (something like below) and xdr encode/decode of each of the ops based on the op number. struct argop { uint32_t op_num; union argop switch (op_num) { case <OPCODE>: <argument>; ... }op_args; }; struct COMPOUNDargs { uint32_t version; uint32_t numops; argop argarray<>; }; RESULT union resop switch (opnum resop){ case <OPCODE>: <result>; ... }; struct COMPOUND4res { uint32_t status; resop resarray<>; }; The xlator which would like to club fops can define this new COMPOUND fop with the list of operations. For eg., AFR can construct this compound fop as compound_fop (struct COMPOUNDargs c_args); c_args.version =1 c_args.numops = 2 c_args.argarray[0].op_num=fxattr_op_num; c_args.argarray[0].op_args = fxattr_op_args; c_args.argarray[0].op_num=writev_op_num; c_args.argarray[0].op_args = writev_op_args; On the server-side , the new compound xlator on receiving this compoundfop can split the fops and execute one by one as already mentioned by you.Any thoughts? Thanks, SoumyaPranith.Starting with a well defined set of operations for compounding has its advantages. It would be easier to understand and maintain correctness across the stack. Some of our translators perform transactions & create/update internal metadata for certain fops. It would be easier for such translators if the compound operations are well defined and does not entail deep introspection of a generic representation to ensure that the right behavior gets reflected at the end of a compound operation. -Vijay_______________________________________________ Gluster-devel mailing list Gluster-devel@xxxxxxxxxxx http://www.gluster.org/mailman/listinfo/gluster-devel
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