On Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 9:39 AM, Atin Mukherjee <amukherj@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Humble,
On 05/06/2015 12:31 PM, Humble Devassy Chirammal wrote:
> Hi All,
> Docker images of GlusterFS 3.6 for Fedora ( 21) and CentOS (7) are now
> available at docker hub ( https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/gluster/ ).
> These images can be used to deploy GlusterFS containers.
> The blog entry at planet.gluster.org [1] have details about how these
> images can be used.
> Please let me know if you have any comments/feedback/questions.
> [1] Building GlusterFS in a docker container @ planet.gluster.org
> [2] http://humblec.com/building-glusterfs-in-a-docker-container/
As discussed yesterday, post daemon refactoring we generate UUID at the
the time of glusterD init and this has caused an issue in bringing
multiple docker containers as UUIDs will be same across different
containers since yum install brings up glusterd and persist the
information in /var/lib/glusterd.info. To make this work for docker
containers could you add a line just after the installation steps in
Yeah I too faced this issued in recent past, fixing this will help users running gluster in containers.
rm -rf /var/lib/glusterd/glusterd.info
Yeah this followed by glusterd restart should help
But frankly, i was hoping that 'rm' the file isn't a neat way to fix this issue
AFAICT we have 2 scenarios:
1) Non-container scenario, where the current behaviour of glusterd persisting the info in .info file makes sense
2) Container scenario, where the same image gets used as the base, hence all containers gets the same UUID
For this we can have an option to tell glusterd that instructs it to refresh the UUID during next start.
Maybe somethign like presence of a file /var/lib/glusterd/refresh_uuid makes glusterd refresh the UUID in .info
and then delete this file, that ways, Dockerfile can touch this file, post gluster rpm install step and things should
work as expected ?
I could not find a way to send a pull request on this.
> --Humble
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