Just checking,
This review request: http://review.gluster.org/#/c/11073/
Failed in the following tests:
1) Linux
[20:20:16] ./tests/bugs/replicate/bug-880898.t ..
not ok 4
Failed 1/4 subtests
2) NetBSD (Du seems to have faced the same)
[11:56:45] ./tests/basic/afr/sparse-file-self-heal.t ..
not ok 52 Got "" instead of "1"
not ok 53 Got "" instead of "1"
not ok 54
not ok 55 Got "2" instead of "0"
not ok 56 Got "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e" instead of
not ok 60 Got "0" instead of "1"
Failed 6/64 subtests
I have not done any analysis, and also the change request should not
affect the paths that this test is failing on.
Checking the logs for Linux did not throw any more light on the cause,
although the brick logs are not updated(?) to reflect the volume create
and start as per the TC in (1).
Anyone know anything (more) about this?
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