On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 01:29:50PM +0200, Niels de Vos wrote: > Hi All, > > In about 30 minutes from now we will have the regular weekly Gluster > Community meeting. > > Meeting details: > - location: #gluster-meeting on Freenode IRC > - date: every Wednesday > - time: 8:00 EDT, 12:00 UTC, 14:00 CEST, 17:30 IST > (in your terminal, run: date -d "12:00 UTC") > - agenda: https://public.pad.fsfe.org/p/gluster-community-meetings > > Currently the following items are listed: > * Roll Call > * Status of last week's action items > * Gluster 3.7 > * Gluster 3.6 > * Gluster 3.5 > * Gluster 4.0 > * Open Floor > - bring your own topic! > > The last topic has space for additions. If you have a suitable topic to > discuss, please add it to the agenda. Thanks all who joined and contributed to the productiveness of the meeting! Minutes: http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/gluster-meeting/2015-05-27/gluster-meeting.2015-05-27-12.01.html Minutes (text): http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/gluster-meeting/2015-05-27/gluster-meeting.2015-05-27-12.01.txt Log: http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/gluster-meeting/2015-05-27/gluster-meeting.2015-05-27-12.01.log.html Because nobody would click those links, so I'll help you save that click and include the contents of the minutes too. Happy reading, Niels Meeting started by ndevos at 12:01:32 UTC. Meeting summary 1. a. Agenda: https://public.pad.fsfe.org/p/gluster-community-meetings (ndevos, 12:01:37) 2. Roll Call (ndevos, 12:01:41) 3. Action Items from last week (ndevos, 12:03:55) a. Subtopic: raghu to release 3.6.4beta1 by the end of next week (ndevos, 12:04:09) b. http://download.gluster.org/pub/gluster/glusterfs/qa-releases/3.6.4beta1/ (hchiramm_, 12:04:56) c. glusterfs 3.6.4beta1 has been made available and was announced (ndevos, 12:05:14) d. Subtopic: JustinClift to have basic forge v2 operational by Gluster Summit (ndevos, 12:05:22) e. ACTION: JustinClift will have something to say about the Gluster Forge v2 on the June 10 meeting (ndevos, 12:09:02) f. Subtopic: tigert to announce new Gluster website layout demo to the mailing lists (ndevos, 12:09:17) g. ACTION: tigert to announce new Gluster website layout demo to the mailing lists (or drop from the agenda) (ndevos, 12:11:11) h. Subtopic: tigert will announce planet.gluster.org and include the rss urls too (ndevos, 12:11:23) i. announcement for planet.gluster.org was sent (ndevos, 12:11:47) j. Subtopic: hchiramm_ to provide an update on new documentation workflow in the mailing lists (ndevos, 12:12:08) k. ACTION: hchiramm_ will send an email about the new documentation workflow to the lists TODAY (May 27) (ndevos, 12:12:53) l. ACTION: hchiramm_ will also include a not about the status and feature of the wiki (ndevos, 12:16:15) 4. GlusterFS 3.7 (ndevos, 12:16:51) a. AGREED: there will be a hot-fix 3.7.1 release which only includes fix(es) for bug 1223213 (ndevos, 12:23:52) b. ACTION: ndevos moves all glusterfs-3.7.1 blockers to 3.7.2 so that the intended bugs for 3.7.2 are still on track (ndevos, 12:25:14) c. glusterfs-3.7.2 is planned to be released in approx. 2 weeks (ndevos, 12:25:30) d. ACTION: atinmu will think about an automated regression test for bug 1223213 (ndevos, 12:29:37) e. IDEA: have regular (nightly/weekly) distaf runs for automated update testing (ndevos, 12:32:02) 5. GlusterFS 3.6 (ndevos, 12:33:26) a. glusterfs-3.6.4beta2 is needed, a few more patches will get included, also fixing bug 1206429 (ndevos, 12:35:21) b. AGREED: glusterfs-3.6.4beta2 is targetted for the end of next week (June 5) (ndevos, 12:37:18) c. Developers are encouraged to review backports of patches too, not only patches for the master branch (ndevos, 12:39:33) d. http://review.gluster.org/#/c/8351/ (raghu, 12:39:42) 6. GlusterFS 3.5 (ndevos, 12:40:51) a. glusterfs-3.5.4 will likely be released later this week (ndevos, 12:42:13) 7. GlusterFS 4.0 (ndevos, 12:42:58) a. Features for 4.0 should add "glusterfs-4.0" to the "blocks" field in the bug report (ndevos, 12:44:51) 8. Open Floor / Bring your own topic (ndevos, 12:47:10) a. subtopic https://glusternew-tigert.rhcloud.com (ndevos, 12:47:19) b. glusternew has replaced the old gluster.org site, glusternew *is* the new gluster.org (ndevos, 12:48:33) c. ACTION: tigert will send an email to the lists on how to contribute to the new gluster.org site (ndevos, 12:50:18) d. subtopic: "earth shattering kaboom" from kkeithley aka purple/unnamed in the etherpad (ndevos, 12:50:36) e. volunteers for assisting with the RPM packaging of GlusterFS are very welcome! (ndevos, 12:53:22) f. ACTION: hchiramm_ will send out a call (email and blog?) for volunteers for helping with the packaging (ndevos, 12:59:53) g. IDEA: add more people to the Ubuntu PPA for (https://launchpad.net/~gluster) the Gluster packages (ndevos, 13:03:08) Meeting ended at 13:04:56 UTC (full logs). Action items 1. JustinClift will have something to say about the Gluster Forge v2 on the June 10 meeting 2. tigert to announce new Gluster website layout demo to the mailing lists (or drop from the agenda) 3. hchiramm_ will send an email about the new documentation workflow to the lists TODAY (May 27) 4. hchiramm_ will also include a not about the status and feature of the wiki 5. ndevos moves all glusterfs-3.7.1 blockers to 3.7.2 so that the intended bugs for 3.7.2 are still on track 6. atinmu will think about an automated regression test for bug 1223213 7. tigert will send an email to the lists on how to contribute to the new gluster.org site 8. hchiramm_ will send out a call (email and blog?) for volunteers for helping with the packaging Action items, by person 1. atinmu 1. atinmu will think about an automated regression test for bug 1223213 2. hchiramm_ 1. hchiramm_ will send an email about the new documentation workflow to the lists TODAY (May 27) 2. hchiramm_ will also include a not about the status and feature of the wiki 3. hchiramm_ will send out a call (email and blog?) for volunteers for helping with the packaging 3. JustinClift 1. JustinClift will have something to say about the Gluster Forge v2 on the June 10 meeting 4. ndevos 1. ndevos moves all glusterfs-3.7.1 blockers to 3.7.2 so that the intended bugs for 3.7.2 are still on track 5. tigert 1. tigert to announce new Gluster website layout demo to the mailing lists (or drop from the agenda) 2. tigert will send an email to the lists on how to contribute to the new gluster.org site People present (lines said) 1. ndevos (108) 2. hchiramm_ (41) 3. hagarth (29) 4. kkeithley (23) 5. JustinClift (17) 6. atinmu (13) 7. raghu (13) 8. spot (8) 9. jdarcy (7) 10. tigert (6) 11. kshlm (4) 12. krishnan_p (4) 13. zodbot (3) 14. schandra (2) 15. msvbhat (1) 16. soumya (1) 17. overclk (1) Generated by MeetBot 0.1.4. _______________________________________________ Gluster-devel mailing list Gluster-devel@xxxxxxxxxxx http://www.gluster.org/mailman/listinfo/gluster-devel