On 04/01/2015 06:59 PM, Vijay Bellur wrote:
On 04/01/2015 05:44 PM, Tom Callaway wrote:
Hello Gluster Ant People!
Right now, if you go to gluster.org, you see our current slogan in giant
Write once, read everywhere
However, no one seems to be super-excited about that slogan. It doesn't
really help differentiate gluster from a portable hard drive or a
paperback book. I am going to work with Red Hat's branding geniuses to
come up with some possibilities, but sometimes, the best ideas come from
the people directly involved with a project.
What I am saying is that if you have a slogan idea for Gluster, I want
to hear it. You can reply on list or send it to me directly. I will
collect all the proposals (yours and the ones that Red Hat comes up
with) and circle back around for community discussion in about a month
or so.
I also think that we should start calling ourselves Gluster or
GlusterDS (Gluster Distributed Storage) instead of GlusterFS by
default. We are certainly not file storage only, we have object, api &
block interfaces too and the FS in GlusterFS seems to imply a file
storage connotation alone.
+1 for Gluster. I like GlusterDS too (in the present context). But
Gluster is more simplistic, generic and not oriented towards any
particular type of storage. Which will be better for long term IMO (in
case Gluster becomes a clustered storage in distant future).
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