On 04/01/2015 09:42 AM, Justin Clift wrote:
On 1 Apr 2015, at 05:04, Emmanuel Dreyfus <manu@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Justin Clift <justin@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
That, or perhaps we could have two verified fields?
Sure. Whichever works. :)
Personally, I'm not sure how to do either yet.
In http://build.gluster.org/gerrit-trigger/ you have "Verdict
categories" with CRVW (code review) and VRIF (verified), and there is a
"add verdict category", which suggest this is something that can be
Of course the Gerrit side will need some configuration too, but if
Jenkins can deal with more Gerrit fields, there must be a way to add
fields in Gerrit.
Interesting. Marcelo, this sounds like something you'd know
about. Any ideas? :)
We're trying to add an extra "Verified" column to our Gerrit +
Jenkins setup. We have an existing one for "Gluster Build System"
(which is our CentOS Regression testing). Now we want to add one for
our NetBSD Regression testing.
I think all we need is to create another gerrit user like "NetBSD
Regression" or so and have verified votes routed through this user. Just
as multiple users can provide distinct CR votes, we can have multiple
build systems provide distinct Verified votes.
I don't think we need an extra column here.
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