Re: NFS File handles change during upgrade from glusterfs version 3.4.2 to 3.5.3

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On 02/24/2015 02:57 AM, A Ghoshal wrote:

After upgrading from 3.4.2 to 3.5.3, I noticed that all my NFS clients
(mounted over tcp) on remote nodes turned stale. I investigated this and
got the following recurrent logs from the NFS server:

[2015-02-23 20:40:25.834071] W [nfs3-helpers.c:3401:nfs3_log_common_res]
0-nfs-nfsv3: XID: 7ead95cb, GETATTR: NFS: 10001(Illegal NFS file
handle), POSIX: 14(Bad address)
[2015-02-23 20:40:25.834167] E [nfs3.c:301:__nfs3_get_volume_id]
[0x7fc728b357ba]))) 0-nfs-nfsv3: invalid argument: xl
[2015-02-23 20:40:25.834801] E [nfs3.c:840:nfs3_getattr] 0-nfs-nfsv3:
*Bad Handle*

Upon investigation, it seems to me that the trouble is with procedure
nfs3_fh_validate(). In 3.4.2, the validation is against the following

#define GF_NFSFH_IDENT0     ':'
#define GF_NFSFH_IDENT1     'O'
#define GF_NFSFH_IDENT_SIZE   (sizeof(char) * 2)
#define GF_NFSFH_STATIC_SIZE  (GF_NFSFH_IDENT_SIZE + (2*sizeof (uuid_t)))

While, on 3.5.3, this has expanded to

#define GF_NFSFH_IDENT0     ':'
#define GF_NFSFH_IDENT1     'O'
#define GF_NFSFH_IDENT2     'G'
#define GF_NFSFH_IDENT3     'L'
#define GF_NFSFH_IDENT_SIZE   (sizeof(char) * 4)
#define GF_NFSFH_STATIC_SIZE  (GF_NFSFH_IDENT_SIZE + (2*sizeof (uuid_t)))

Due to this, I have to unmount+mount all my nfs clients to get them back
into service. Could somebody help me understand why this change was
introduced (maybe a reference of the bug ID)? Also, any chance that
there's a way to get around this?

git blame indicates that this change has been introduced as part of [1]. 
Not sure if there is an easy way to get around this without re-mounting.


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