All cores on slave21 have been generated on Feb 2nd (one on Feb 10th).
Based on the time stamp, looks like all cores are from the same run and
due to glusterfsd.
In attempting to find the job that caused this (as the cores would be
bundled with the built libs on the regression failure) I was not able to
get to the build history from [1].
Looked at [2] and these are not the jobs that caused the cores (listed
the archive contents). Also, there is no archive for Feb 2nd.
This leads me to believe that someone took this machine to test out some
fixes and the cores are from that run and needs a cleanup (assuming
whoever was using it is done with these cores).
[2] [jenkins@slave21 ~]$ ls /archives/archived_builds/build-install-2015*
On 02/13/2015 01:22 AM, Vijay Bellur wrote:
Several coredumps are being generated in regression runs now [1]. Anyone
had a chance to look into this?
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