To fix this problem we could use a pthread_mutex/pthread_cond pair + a boolean flag in place of the misused mutex. Or, we could just declare gd_op_sm_lock as a synclock_t to achieve the same result.
On Tue Nov 25 2014 at 10:26:34 AM Emmanuel Dreyfus <manu@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I made a simple fix that address the problem:
Are there other places where the same bug could exist? Anyone familiar
with the code would tell?
Emmanuel Dreyfus <manu@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> in glusterd_op_sm(), we lock and unlock the gd_op_sm_lock mutex.
> Unfortunately, locking and unlocking can happen in different threads
> (task swap will occur in handelr call).
> This case is explictely covered by POSIX: the behavior is undefined.
> ck.html
> When unlocking from a thread that is not owner, Linux seems to be fine
> (though you never know with unspecified operation), while NetBSD returns
> EPERM, causing a spurious error in tests/basic/pump.t . It can be observed
> in a few failed tests here:
> Fixing it seems far from being obvious. I guess it needs to use syncop,
> but the change would be intrusive. Do we have another option? Is it
> possible to switch a task to a given thread?
Emmanuel Dreyfus
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