On 07/06/2014 12:33 PM, Justin Clift wrote:
On 05/07/2014, at 5:23 PM, Pranith Kumar Karampuri wrote:
hi Justin,
If the regression results complete before the smoke test then 'green-tick-mark' is over-written and people don't realize that the regression succeeded by a simple glance at the list of patches. Can we do anything about it?
Yeah. At the moment, it's caused by people manually
starting the old "regression" job on the build.gluster.org
The build.gluster.org server can only run one thing at
a time. Everything else queues up.
When the old regression test job runs, everything else is
blocked until it finishes. If there are a few regression
tests lined up (or it hangs), then it can take hours until
the smoke and rpm building jobs run.
There are a few ways we could address this:
* Adjust the smoke test job so it runs on the Rackspace
Hopefully not hard. But not sure. We can try it out.
* Change the triggered regression test, so it doesn't
start automatically like this.
* We may be able to get a successful smoke test to
automatically trigger the regression run. Ben
Turner would probably know how to make that work.
* Niels has suggested we might want to have the
regression test run when a +1 or +2 vote is given
Like Avati said a while back it depends on what you want to optimize on.
Human review time (or) number of automatic regression job runs. I would
like Human review time to be optimized by automatically triggering the
regression runs and let the regressions catch some bugs. As a rule I
don't review patches that are yet to pass regressions.
I'm not really sure about this, because I wonder if
it's more useful to automatically test everything.
eg catching breakage early, before reviews are
I'm not strongly against it either though. ;)
Personally, I reckon we should have a discussion
on gluster-devel about this. There might be really
good + / - for each, so a clear decision can be made.
And there may be other better ideas too.
What're your thoughts on this stuff?
I like the present model. The only thing I feel needs a change is smoke
test resetting the 'regression status'
Regards and best wishes,
Justin Clift
GlusterFS - http://www.gluster.org
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petabytes, and handling thousands of clients.
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