Hi all, today we were informed [0] about failures in the regression tests when ./tests/basic/rpm.t [1] was executed. The cause for these failures seem to be restricted to the Jenkins environment, manual testing on build.gluster.org did not have any problems. We would appreciate it if any changes to the build environment like [2] were announced to the gluster-infra@xxxxxxxxxxx maillinglist (on CC). This issue caused several hours of testing (regression tests are slow) and delayed the review and merging of changes. A heads-up on the change would have given an idea where to look and the problem would have been solved [3] much quicker. Thanks in advance, Niels, and everyone who got hit by 404 errors in the regression tests [0] Subject: autobuild fails because of network http://lists.nongnu.org/archive/html/gluster-devel/2013-11/msg00054.html [1] This test-script takes the sources, builds a tarball a src.rpm and rebuilds all the rpms inside a "mock" environment. During this test, several chroot environments are build from packages that are available in the Fedora EPEL repositories. [2] The failure seems to have been introduced by a proxy server that is setup (through environment variables?), and which does not allow contacting the Fedora EPEL mirrors. [3] The proxy server has been explicitly disabled in /etc/mock/site-defaults.cfg, so that yum does not use the proxy anymore.